Sunday, December 16, 2012

Carrying a heavy heart


The events of this past weekend were truly horrifying and have placed a very sombre feeling over the whole nation. Especially right before Christmas. Unfortunately it takes such a tragic event to remind you to count your blessings every day and not to sweat the small stuff. I mean everyone complains. Daily. In the grand scheme of things, most of our complaints just don't matter. Standing in long lines, paying bills, we don't want to make dinner, or clean our rooms, etc, etc. All of these things are fixable. What took place on Friday is most certainly not fixable and my heart goes out to all the victims' families and anyone who was affected.

A lot of people may disagree, but I think the problem lies not with gun control laws or security of public places, but within ourselves. We love to place the blame on anyone but ourselves. It is so normal for people to throw around the words "hate" or "kill" anymore that if anyone means it, it just goes unnoticed. We need to work together to notice problems before they happen. Most of all, we need to stop hating and realize that the way we treat other people can have a larger impact than we think. Small acts of kindness are so much more powerful than we give credit.

Sometimes when I'm in a hurry at the grocery store and the person in front of me is taking just a little too long, I need to remind myself not to give an angry glare (which, I admit, occasionally does slip out). I take a deep breath, remind myself "Don't sweat the small stuff!", and realize that it is not the end of the world.

That being said, I'm keeping those who were affected in my prayers and so proud of the teachers that sacrificed their safety for others.

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