Friday, January 4, 2013

Live && let go

 I love the new year because I enjoy the idea of a fresh start. It's time to let go of past mistakes, have new goals, and start on a clean slate. Not that the past can and ever should be forgotten completely, but it shouldn't be dwelled on either. So here are my five resolutions that I came up with.

1. Workout, eat better, all that jazz
I make this one every year. Do I ever stick to it?! That would be a negative. But my list felt empty without it.

2. Get scuba certified
It's time!

3. Learn to play the guitar
As a child, I have always given up on hobbies. But this time I will not!

4. Travel
Seriously. Don't think too much, just pack up and go.

5. Live && let go
This should really be two different resolutions, but for the sake of trying to condense my list to five, I just combined them.

What are your New Years' resolutions?

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

This will be our year

New Years' Eve has never been a good holiday for me. I'm always reflecting on the year and wishing I had accomplished more. As I was thinking back on 2012, I felt like there had been more downs than ups and I got a little depressed. But then I think about how I spent five long, hard months completing an internship. The hours were long and the work was hard, but I didn't give up and now I am one step closer to achieving my dream. I think about how I made a lot of dear friends; some that are lifelong and I will cherish forever; others that only had a short part in my life. And I am thankful.

If anything, 2012 has taught me that I am a lot stronger than I think. It taught me to trust in myself and although I made a lot of mistakes, I don't regret any of them because they have made me stronger and wiser. I know that 2013 will have its fair share of ups and downs, but I am determined to make it wonderful.

Wishing you all a happy and fulfilling New Year!